Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How can I place an order for Mileage Conversation Cards?
A: Ordering your Conversation Cards is a breeze! Simply browse our website, choose your favorite deck, click "Add to Cart," and follow the easy checkout process. Your captivating cards will be on their way in no time!
Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: Great news! We'll start shipping orders from January 1, 2024. Once dispatched, your Conversation Cards should arrive at your doorstep within 7-10 days. Get ready for exciting conversations just around the corner!
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Absolutely! We love connecting people globally. Our Conversation Cards can be shipped anywhere in the world. International friendships, here we come!
Q: Can I return my Conversation Cards?
A: Of course! We want you to be thrilled with your purchase. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied, we offer returns within 7 days of your purchase. Check our Returns Policy for more details.
Q: Can I cancel my order after it's placed?
A: Orders can be canceled, but only before items are shipped. Once your Conversation Cards are on their way, they're destined for great conversations! So, make sure to act swiftly if you need to cancel.
Q: How do you ship your products?
A: We ship via the trusty and efficient DHL service. Fast, reliable, and ready to deliver your Conversation Cards straight to your door, wherever you are in the world!
Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team at []. Happy chatting! 🃏💬